Using henna as a hair dye. Everything you should know about it
In 90% cases we use henna to make our eyebrows darker. But do you know that you can also use it as a natural hair colourant? Learn other properties of henna.
Frequent hair dyeing, especially if we keep doing this inappropriately, isn’t beneficial to us. Regular hair dyes may contain ammonia that damages the delicate hair structure. No wonder why many woman are afraid of getting their strands coloured with dyes – they are aware of the bad and even catastrophic consequences that this procedure may lead to. And this is the reason why they resign from changing their hair colour despite dreaming about intensively red hair. But they shouldn’t! Learn natural methods of changing hair colour!
Natural ways of changing hair colour
If you wish to change hair colour in a natural way, but you fear that the chemical substances used in drugstore dyes would harm your hair, you can give a try to a few simple tricks. If you want to make your hair lighter, go for lemon, chamomile or rhubarb root. However, to make hair darker you should reach for hazel nut, oak bark and black radish.
Indeed, there are plenty of natural ways to change hair colour, yet the most popular one is henna. Do you know how to dye your strands with henna and what effect may it create?
Henna – natural hair dye
Henna is a natural alternative to readymade dye that you can get from a shop. Despite sharing similar properties, the action of henna isn’t that strong. Some people describe henna as natural hair conditioner rich in mineral substances (potassium, magnesium and calcium) and vitamins (A, B, D) that is able to take care of hair, intensify the hair colour and make it more beautiful. Moreover, it’s definitely more delicate for hair because it conditions the strands during the colouring process.
The properties of henna, which is a plant colourant made of Lawsonia leaves and shoots, had been known in antiquity. This plant was used for beauty and medicinal purposes as well as for body colouring. Today, this natural substance is used to make temporary tattoos, yet even more frequently it is used to darken eyebrows. But what about henna hair dyeing?
Using Henna as a Hair Dye
This is a simple method of changing hair colour. All you need to do is choose the right henna product and follow the instructions provided on the packaging. Basically, you can also find plenty of How-To’s concerning applying henna to hair on the Internet. Unless you decide to give a try to natural, powdered henna (which is a definitely more difficult method), you will be surely able to carry out the entire process of hair colouring yourself.
Who should reach for henna to change hair colour? Mostly people who don’t look for dramatic changes because applying henna to blond strands won’t turn them black. This herbal hair dye with henna is a good solution when we want to enhance our natural hair colour, make it more vivid or highlight it.
Henna for hair – Properties
If you decide to colour your hair with henna, you can expect that it will:
- enhance natural hair colour;
- fill gaps that appeared on hair structure by reinforcing it;
- protect hair against damages;
- ensure the right level of moisturisation;
- supply hair with essential nourishing substances;
- gift hair with healthy shine and beautify it.
Which henna to choose?
The effects obtained depends on henna type we choose. The more natural it is, the better. While looking for the right henna to colour hair with, you should focus on how high the lawsonia concentration is (some henna products available in drugstores don’t contain even a gram of this plant). Therefore, if you count on stronger action, choose a herbal hair dye that, apart from henna, contains other natural colourants such as indygo or amla. Last but not least, natural henna dye shouldn’t contain any ingredients apart from herbs.
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