Short, straight lashes?
I had them as well. Not anymore. Since I started using the Nanolash Serum my lashes are extremely long! I did not want to believe at first, but this staff works.
Before I started using Nanolash, 4 mnts ago my lashes were super short and thin. From my previous post, you probably know that I was not wearing mascara. My lashes were so short that I even couldn’t grab them in the lash curlier. At some occasions when I managed to put the mascara on, they were fine for few minutes but then they ‘sat down’ blurring my vision completely. I heard about the Latisse but when I asked my doctor he said that I won’t be able to get in anywhere in the country. Additionally Latisse and other harsh conditioners may interact with your iris and change the colour of eyes to brown. I have lovely green eyes and I’d rather they stay that way. Then I read Ann’s blog and she has authentic, beautiful lashes and she attributed it to Nanolash. I check it online and ordered without giving it a second thought. I am happy for that move as it Nanolash has changed my look pretty dramatically.
My results are amazing. My lashes are denser in spare areas and they appear fuller. They grow like crazy and I can honestly tell you that I have never had such long lashes. It is still shocking when I look in the mirror to see how my eyes pop. I will try take some ‘after’ pictures and upload them when I will find my camera. I have recently moved to the other side of the city and it will take some time till I will find all my stuff. I have chosen Nanolash as it was recommended by my beautician as one of the most effective, yet gentle lash serum.
For me, it was very important that the product is made of natural, safe ingredients.
I will keep using this Conditioner and I am planning to stock up on those so I will not run out in the future. My friends keep commenting on my lashes and it feels gooood, I must say.
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