It is time for the RevitaLash Review!
It is time for the RevitaLash Review!
I am so happy that this 3 months is already over. I know girls who like using lash serums and they treat it like a part of daily routine. It was not the best time for me, though because of the unpleasant burning feeling that the RevitaLash was causing. Every time after the application I could feel that my skin is burning! I will present my overview in points so you can see clearly what I liked about it and what I didn’t.
My lashes are definitely longer and there is a nice curl to them. For the first two months I couldn’t see any difference, but then my lashes started to grow. In the inner corners of my eyes I had extremely short lashes and now they are very long.
It is easy to grab them in my curlier and apply mascara. They look amazing when tinted with the Hypnose Deep Black Mascara. I am so in love with them:)
It didn’t change the colour of my eyes. They are still green and I wont them to stay that way.
I cannot see much of a thickening effect that was guaranteed by the producer. They are indeed longer but not many new lashes have grown. They are as thin as before. I must say that I have chosen RevitaLash mainly for its thickening prosperities and I’m very disappointed.
The product was irritating my skin. It says on the package that it is all natural and gentle but trust me, it felt like an acid on my lid. The burning sensation lasted for about five min from application.
A high price. Although I have it on a sale I still think that it is pretty expensive. Imagine that it works and you have to but a bottle every 3 months. Crazy!
Overall, I am not pleased with this product and I am looking for sth more effective. Marry has suggested to try Nanolash as it doesn’t cause irritation. She was using it over four months and she was very pleased about it. Have any of you used this Serum before and can share your experience with it.
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