This is the hair cut you suppose to wear now! Undercut tattoo.
Rosy hair, ombre, sexy curls or a bob are nothing comparing to this year hair trends. After all, this year the top trend is undercut tattoo. What is it? Read below article and you’ll know how to look trendy. One is certain: straight cut and other cuts are no more.
For whom undercut tattoo?
If you are courageous and go-getting girl then undercut tattoo is just for you. This type of hair cut will like also all of you who like heavy music, wear bovver boots and only black clothes. Remember, however, that undercut tattoo is rather no good for a gown or elegant jacket. Luckily, the hair cut is placed in such an area that can be easily covered with remaining hair. However, if you want to present it to the world, tie your hair in a high bun.
How does undercut tattoo look like?
Undercut tattoo is nothing else but tattoo made with hair. It is located at the base of the head, right above the neck. Sometimes it reaches the ears, or lower. It all depends on the creative invention, hair stylist skills and the pattern you choose. Where can you draw inspiration? The greatest source for ideas is… the Internet. Numerous girls praise with their undercut tattoo. Spiders, geometrical figures, stripes and flowers are the most commonly chosen.
How to execute undercut tattoo?
This may upset some of you, who have long and thick hair. Unfortunately, in the area you want the pattern to be, you must shave the hair. Then hairdresser with an electric razor cuts the chosen shape. If you want 3D effect, ask ask hairdresser to layer your hair. You can also dye your hair. Where does it come from? You do not have to look far. If you remember, gentlemen were cutting similar patterns on their hair. Well, these are times where the boundaries between genders are blurred, men use foundation and mascara, while women take over men’s hair styles.
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